Kay -N- Kay

White Noise

Archive for the ‘denial’ tag

Can You Define the Word “Blame,” Please?

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In another installment of “Things That Make you Say, ‘Duh'”, Bill Clinton denied holding any blame for the worst economic crisis to hit the country since the Great Depression.

“On Monday morning’s Today Show, Ann Curry’s interview with the former president – recorded over the weekend outside a Clinton Global Initiative event in Texas – addressed Clinton’s inclusion on TIME’s list of the “25 People to Blame” for the global economic collapse.”

“Given the sweep and severity of today’s global economic crisis, it would seem there’s plenty of blame to go around. But Bill Clinton doesn’t think any of it should fall on his shoulders.”

Yeah, I totally thought he was going to man up and apologize, too.  Man, I’m so disillusioned now.  :-/

Written by Kyle

February 17th, 2009 at 3:03 pm

Posted in Abandon All Hope

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