Kay -N- Kay

White Noise

Archive for February, 2009

Top 10 Things That Scare the World

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For the 3 or 4 of you out there who use Google, you’ve probably noticed that as you type in your search, you get a drop down list of the 10 most common searches that match what you’re typing.  This is very helpful when you are like me, and not really very good at thinking in terms of key words.  Or least not the same key words other people use.  Just type in one or two key words and google now drops down with a nice list of searches that people like you are also searching for.  BRILLIANT!

However, this has some, perhaps unintended usages. ..

Seriously... WTF?  Chinese people?!?!

No really… I couldn’t make this up.  Go out to Google and try it out by typing “I am extremely”.

Written by Kyle

February 10th, 2009 at 4:52 pm

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What Was That?

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PETA, that bastion of redoubtable tactics, is at it again.  See the animal advocates outside the Westminster Dog Show in KKK garb.

Today’s blue ribbon of ill-conceived notions goes to the educators at an elementary school in Mississippi who approved “Cotton Picking Day”  in celebration of Black History month.

Written by Kristin

February 10th, 2009 at 2:31 pm

If You’re Angry and You Know It, Stamp Your Face

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Ever since I started checking out the weekly round up of mug shots on The Smoking Gun, I’ve become somewhat obsessed with facial tattoos.  Or rather, more to the point, with the people who choose to get them.  What trials and tribulations in a person’s life leads them to that crossroad where they look left and chuckle to themselves in amusement, look right and think deep in the recesses of their alcohol soaked mind that there could possibly be a day where they might regret being totally unable to hide their tattoo choice, and finally just decide to go straight on ahead with, “You know what?  Today is the rest of my life.  Nothing will ever be so different as to make this a bad idea.”

Consider, if you will, exhibit A:


I mean… come on, really?  Was there truly, absolutely no hope in this man to give him pause that fateful day?


Written by Kyle

February 10th, 2009 at 12:59 pm


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I’m sitting in a meeting right now, typing away on my laptop looking busy.

I have this exact picture on my coffee mug at work, which I make sure to bring to all of my meetings.

Aren’t I so very clever?

If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be “meetings.”
— Dave Barry

Written by Kyle

February 9th, 2009 at 10:59 am

Posted in Abandon All Hope

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Bwillions, and Bwillions of Stars

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Have you ever seen a sight such as this?  There have been nights and locations where I’ve looked up at the sky and thought, “Wow, I’ve never seen so many stars!” but truly nothing quite this…

A stone chapel is shown on the edge of Lake Tekapo under the sparkling sky in New Zealands South Island on Nov. 2, 2007. Tekapos town folk are on a mission to protect the vast starry blanket spanning their heavens, even as the night sky disappears behind light and air pollution in many parts of the globe

A stone chapel is shown on the edge of Lake Tekapo under the sparkling sky in New Zealand's South Island on Nov. 2, 2007. Tekapo's town folk are on a mission to protect the vast starry blanket spanning their heavens, even as the night sky disappears behind light and air pollution in many parts of the globe

Do you think New Zealand has a different sky than the USA?

Written by Kyle

February 9th, 2009 at 10:44 am

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The Six Minute Pick-Me-Up

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It’s just fun to watch this every so often.

Witness:  The Evolution of Dance

Written by Kristin

February 5th, 2009 at 5:57 pm

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Deep Thoughts by Calvin

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Calvin always did have a Love / Hate relationship with Santa.

Calvin always did have a Love / Hate relationship with Santa.

What I find mildly amusing is that on the gocomics.com web site, someone tagged this cartoon with “atheism”.

Written by Kyle

February 5th, 2009 at 4:03 pm

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Google Immortalizes Harley Davidson Enthusiast

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“First Stop Guns” – 701 Main St, Rapid City, SD

I just love Google’s Street View.  It’s like a tiny peek into the soul of the country.

Written by Kyle

February 5th, 2009 at 3:48 pm

Posted in Abandon All Hope

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Real Estate-onomics

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We’ve had our house up for sale now for over a year.  This was our starter home, our son is now in school, and we now have an extra dollar or two coming in each pay check, so it’s time to upgrade.  This was the time we’d always planned on since buying this house almost 8 years ago.

Yeah… I know.  :-/

In the first 6 months, we didn’t even have a single person inquire as to looking at it.  Since then, we’ve had about 5 showings.  And while I don’t want to derail this post with a separate topic, WTH is with people only giving an hour’s notice to look at a house?!?!  Seriously, probably 4 out of those 5 showings we had between 45 minutes to an hour and half to vacate the house!  But anyway… our original notion of trying not to take a loss on the house from our original purchase lasted all of about 3 months.  After 6 months, we just went directly to rock bottom where we wouldn’t have to pay additional money just to vacate.  *sigh*  Honestly though, it’s not that bad… as much as we lose on the house, we’ll be be making back twice over since we’re looking to buy a more expensive house.  Sounds great…

Step 1 – Put lower priced house on market for 70 – 80% of it’s value

Step 3 – Buy higher priced house for 70 – 80% of ITS value… Profit!

There’s just one thing missing…

Fortunately, Obama has a plan.  You see, Kristin did some volunteer work during his campaign and, well… let’s just say we’re tight.  He’s heard of our predicament and has taken an interest.

The idea is that if you buy our house, for 70 – 80% of its value, Obama will give you a 10% rebate!  Round that to the nearest non-annoying figure and that’s roughly $15,000.  And it’s not like those fictitious retail, cut-off-the-UPC-code, mail-an-8-page-form-to-some-fake-address, and pray-to-something-holy, kind of rebates… no, this is government backed, guaranteed, by God!

Then we’ll go buy a house, and you know what?  Obama’s going to give us, $15,000, too!  No, seriously.  It’s true.  Now… for a limited time only, if you act now and promise not tell the government that we may be tinkering with their rebate program in new and possibly dangerously innovative thinking, we’ll split our $15,000 with you.

You’ll just have to cut the UPC code off the foundation and mail it in to 22 Twain, Station City, PA, 90210.

Written by Kyle

February 5th, 2009 at 11:36 am

Posted in Brilliant!

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“Sir, I exist!”

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However, the fact has not created in me a sense of obligation.
– The Universe

Stay tuned…

Written by Kyle

February 4th, 2009 at 4:02 pm

Posted in White Noise

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