Archive for June, 2010
Conversations With Molly
In the middle of an IM conversation we were having about my efforts to finalize the purchase of a new house…
Molly: ick!
Molly: OMG!! I totally just ripped one!
Molly: hahaha
Molly: good thing it waited until Scott was out of my cube!
Kyle: I hope your co-workers heard you
Molly: um…yeah, I meant to type that in another window and tell someone other than you…nice…
From the Mouth of Babes
Bran had an eye doctor appointment today. While looking deep into my son’s eyes, examining irises, corneas, retinas, and his very brain for all I know, the nice doctor made an attempt at some chit chat with him.
Dr. Archer: “So, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
Bran: “I want to be a god.”
Me: * I just cover my face with my hands and shake my head*
<silence follows after Dr. Archer stopped dead in his work and sat back just looking at Bran>
Dr. Archer: “You know… in all my years of asking that question, I don’t think I’ve ever once been given that answer…”
It may be time to curb some of Bran’s video game time.